About Shaw Trust
About This Shop
Shaw Trust is the UK’s largest national charity providing employment and training services for disabled and disadvantaged people.
We have a wide range of services and work with an extensive range of individuals including those with mental ill-health, learning difficulties a history of substance misuse, young people, and lone parents; helping them to prepare for work, find jobs and live more independently. We work in partnership with public sector organisations to develop and deliver effective social care services that empower people to live more independent lives. We provide a range of diversity management services for businesses including recruitment, help to retain valued staff, ensuring websites are accessible to all, and much more. We work with over 67,000 people, around 7,500 employers, and many public sector organisations every year. During our 25+ years as a registered charity, we have supported almost 300,000 people to change their lives through work and greater independence.
The primary purpose of our shops is to raise money for and promote awareness of our work. In addition to donated goods, our shops sell new goods, including items made by people with disabilities. Donations are vital, so we have a fleet of stock collection vans around the country collecting donation bags. Look out for our vans in your neighborhood, or phone our Retail Department on 01225 716345 to arrange the collection of your donations.
We are a member of the Association of Charity Shops Kitemark scheme along with 60 other charities, both local and national. The aims of the Kitemark include promoting good practices in charity shops and helping to stamp out dishonest house-to-house collectors who claim to collect goods for charity.